Thank you for your interest in the TRIALS program.

Your login information is:
Username: [EMAIL]
Password: [PASSWORD]

Login here:

Below we have listed the information you will need to gather and input for the application. You may log in as many times as necessary. Any information entered will be saved as you proceed from step to step. The steps are sequential and must be done in order. You will have the chance to review and change all information prior to final submission.

About You
- Email
- Citizenship
- Country of Origin
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Alternate Phone
- Address One
- Address Two
- City
- State/Territory
- Zip Code
- Country
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Number of Dependents
- Marital Status [optional]
- Other Self Identification [optional]

About Your Education
- Last College Attended
- College Level
- Overall College GPA
- Major
- GPA in your major
- Standardized Test Scores

About Your Character and Fitness
- Has your academic career been interrupted for one or more terms?
- In an academic or professional setting, have you been subject to disciplinary sanctions, or are charges pending?
- Have you ever been expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given an academic warning?
- Have you been convicted of a felony?
- Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor within the last five (5) years?
- Are any charges pending which, if you were to be convicted, would require your answer to either of the two previous questions to be “yes”?
- If you answered "yes" to any of the questions in this section, you must provide written details. Please attach an MS Word or PDF document.

About Your Parents or Guardians
Parent One
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country of Origin
- Living or Deceased
- Number of Dependents
- Marital Status
- Occupation [optional]
- Education Level [optional]
Parent Two
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country of Origin
- Living or Deceased
- Number of Dependents
- Marital Status
- Occupation [optional]
- Education Level [optional]

Financial Information [any/all that apply]
Income from:
- Parent One's Work
- Parent Two's Work
- Your Work
- Your Spouse's Work
- Family Business
- Family Real Estate
- Retirement/Pensions
- Interest or Dividends
- Income from other members of the household
- Housing, food, and other living allowances
- Other Income
If Other, please describe
- Will there be a significant increase or decrease in your family’s income next year? If so, briefly explain:
- Are there special financial circumstances that should be considered while reviewing your application? If so, briefly explain:

Vaccination Information
- Please upload a copy of your COVID vaccination card as either an image or PDF document.

Personal Statement
- Please attach a two page personal statement in an MS Word or PDF document.

Additional Information You Wish To Share

Good luck and thank you again for your interest.